ME, MYSELF & TIME Performance 2024 Bella Angora has already dealt with the time factor at different levels in several projects. These include aspects such as transience, fast pace, pace of life and the extent to which these affect the individual, but also society. She looks at it from a feminist perspective, because in her […]


Gier by Sarah Kane Performance/Installation/Music/Theater 2023/24a production of Vorarlberger Landestheaterwith Bella Angora, Vivienne Causemann, Luzian Hirzel, Daniel Pabst, Nico Raschner, Ines Schiller                                                                                Video: Sarah Mistura    Music: Daniel Pabst, Oliver Stotz    Dramaturgy: Stephanie Gräve “You are dead to me.” It is cruel sentences like this in the work of Sarah Kane (1971-1999), an expression of her […]

Gekommen um zu bleiben. Check.​

Gekommen um zu bleiben. Check. Performance/Installation/Video Installation 2023a coproduction with Theater Kosmos, Bregenzwith Silvia Salzmann (Choreography, Dance), Sarah Mistura (Media Art), Maartje Pasman (Dance), Marina Rützler (Dance), Oliver Stotz (Music) The project is a further development of the performance „Squaring the Circle“. „Check.“ also revolves around the question of whether and how humanity can cope […]

Quadratur des Kreises

Quadratur des Kreises oder Orpheus geht Performance/Photography/Video 2021/22 I developed a performative media installation for the ‚Kunstraum Dornbirn`.                                                                                                                    In this project I am interacting with large-scale videosequences, that are projected on the floor of the artspace. Thematically I am dealing with the question whether and how humanity will overcome the current crises and challenges.The definition […]

Ich möchte ein Wandbild sein

Ich möchte ein Wandbild sein Performance/Photography/Video 2021 The currently difficult conditions within the field of art and culture may force artists to question their own position in terms of existential security even more than usual. Especially performance artists struggle quite hard due to many lockdowns. Within the project a naiv desire for relief is expressed […]


Leuchtturm Performance/Installation/Foto/Video 2021with Florian Koller/Sarah Mistura (Video/Foto)and Oliver Stotz (Music)Performers: Bettina Bohne, Marie Hagemeister & Hannah, Johny Ritter, tOmi Scheiderbauer The artist Thomas Scheiderbauer developed the project KREISSAAL that is dealing with questions about the need for an alternative cultural and social budget. He invited me to present a performance within this frame. An old […]


CLOSE/R Performance/Installation/Foto/Video 2020/21 with Markus Marte (Music) and Sarah Mistura (Video/Foto) The project relates to the drawings ZEICHNENGEGENDIEEINSAMKEIT. The topic of this series is processed on different artistic levels by using text, installative elements, self-produced sound/video and performative actions. Personal emotions experienced during the very special first lockdown serve as a base for a research […]

just happy

just happy Performance/Video/Photography 2017/18 The performance is devoted to different healing processes, which take place within isolation, darkness, silence and the sensation of nothing. Physical and mental wounds are healing under the bandage. Thematic aspects are prepared in an acoustic format, a flood of emotions rises to a lofty outbreak that suddenly ends with popstar biographies, […]


DA.ZWISCHEN 2018/19exchange project between Land Vorarlberg, Amt für Deutsche Kultur | Autonome Provinz Bozen – Südtirol and Südtiroler Künstlerbund with Alexandra Berlinger, Hannes Egger, Michael Fliri, Ingrid Hora, Sabine Marte, Andrea Salzmann (with Sebastian Meyer), Thomas Sterna, Viktoria Tremmel I curated/organized DA.ZWISCHEN – a project with cross-media artists from Südtirol and Vorarlberg. The first part of […]


ZEICHNENGEGENDIEEINSAMKEIT Drawings 2020 The first lockdown in the curse of the corona crisis came with drastic consequences for our society. Our lives changed overnight. We switched into a distance mode and experienced, what it means to be cut of our social environment. This was a burden in many ways, but at the same time this […]

Das Scheitern der Amsel

Das Scheitern der Amsel illustrated short story 2017 An illustrated short story, the format based on the legendary Pixie books, quadratic but bigger: XL Pixie, text and drawings by Bella Angora.

& Bonusmaterial

& Bonusmaterial Performance//Installation/Video 2015 The performance „pathetic performance melodrama about a judgment resistant process by using acoustic sequences of polarizing hollywood standard scenes” has been complemented by “& Bonusmaterial”. Arguing follow-on measures, based on the question, in which life situations we are tending to polarize, and furthermore which consequences we have to face in order […]

casino fatale – das spiel mit dem wahnsinn

casino fatale – das spiel mit dem wahnsinn 2014with Roland Adlassnigg, Kirsten Helfrich, Maria A. Mäser, Andrea Salzmann, Stoph Sauter, tat ort (Alexandra Berlinger/Wolfgang Fiel), Darko Todorovic, Viktoria Tremmel, Alexander Waltnerorganisation: Bella Angora, Bernhard Mennel, Philipp Waltner I conceived and organized a cross-media art festival which dealt with questions about different possibilities of art presentation.Artists […]

performative entsprechung eines wertungsresistenten prozesses

performative entsprechung eines wertungsresistenten prozesses Performance/Photography/Video 2013/14 A project about social systems and structures, a critical reflection on a moralizing logic, an attempt to take value judgments out of the picture when it comes to experiences as such. No good, no bad – only different (noncolour) qualities are telling storys about processes which are completed […]

soft, slow & sweaty – break unltd

soft, slow & sweaty – break unltd. Performance/Installation/Video 2013in cooperation with Donaufestival Kremswith Stefan Geissler, Gernot Kloos, On Grammel, Daniel Pabst „soft, slow & sweaty – break unltd“ is a continuation of a former performance with a similar title and adresses again topics dealt with there. Furthermore parallel actions with its formal starting point in […]


Hyperhidrosis Performance 2014 Hyperhidrosis is a condition characterized by abnormally increased sweating. It can be associated with a quality of life burden from a psychological, emotional and social perspective. Some call it ‚the silent handicap‘. Within the performance „Hyperhidrosis“ this flaw is put on a pedestal in order to be identified, discussed and reviewed on […]

bella angora – das signierte wunder

bella angora – das signierte wunder Performance/Photography/Video 2013with Cornelia Hefel, Gernot Kloos, Stefan Geissler und Winfried Nussbaummüller The attempt to decipher collective – and simultaneously – personal history, a process in which the lines of demarcation between fact, retrospective construct and/or personal interpretation become indistinguishable. A research regarding parallels between the art figure Bella Angora and […]


umleitung Performance/Installation/Video 2012/13 Routing systems are a significant part within human (mental and physical) locomotion. We are useing them for a better orientation. The more dangerous and unpredictable we perceive a surrounding, an atmosphere or a situation, the more we ask for indications because we don´t want to get lost…for example in the mountains we […]

me perceive place

me perceive place Installation/Performance/Video 2011 A performance project – developed for the Viennafair 2011 (with Gallery Lisi Hämmerle) – that focussed on psychological and physical attempts of positionings within the field of different social systems. My own position as an artist in an artworld, which is shaped by competitive structures, serves as a starting point […]