casino fatale - das spiel mit dem wahnsinn

with Roland Adlassnigg, Kirsten Helfrich, Maria A. Mäser, Andrea Salzmann, Stoph Sauter,
tat ort (Alexandra Berlinger/Wolfgang Fiel), Darko Todorovic, Viktoria Tremmel, Alexander Waltner
organisation: Bella Angora, Bernhard Mennel, Philipp Waltner

I conceived and organized a cross-media art festival which dealt with questions about different possibilities of art presentation.Artists from the fields of drawing, painting, video, installation, performance and photography had been invited and their works served as a starting point for a performative setting in which the audience was instrumentalized as well as the presented art.

The visitors took their place at round tables, which were rolling from art station to art station. Sound, video, text and performance sequences formed the frame for an unusual art presentation. The festival became some kind of a living organism which was able to interact with the audience.