Gekommen um zu bleiben. Check.

Performance/Installation/Video Installation 2023
a coproduction with Theater Kosmos, Bregenz
with Silvia Salzmann (Choreography, Dance), Sarah Mistura (Media Art), Maartje Pasman (Dance), Marina Rützler (Dance), Oliver Stotz (Music)

The project is a further development of the performance „Squaring the Circle“. „Check.“ also revolves around the question of whether and how humanity can cope with the current crises and challenges, which are evident at different levels.The performers embark on a search for solutions, but repeatedly lose themselves in absurdities. 

In the process, geometric light patterns mutate into a navigation system in night mode, which repeatedly misleads the artists. Self-deprecating statements collide with pathetic sentimentalism and flimsy social analyses. Kitsch-dripping melodrama repeatedly meets hard facts from current socio-political crisis situations, which are formulated through reduced, poetic texts. Separation and hope seem to go hand in hand and attempts at self-structuring are repeatedly lost in nothingness.

Photos: Sarah Mistura